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  • dougsmith51

Finals Stops on The Road Home

Updated: Jan 2, 2021

Although we'd enjoyed our visit to the Smokies, it was time for the final push toward home. We'd started off 2020 with a stop in the Outer Banks to visit Jeannette's sister Ginny, and we thought we'd visit the Outer Banks again to round out our year.

We crossed the entire width of North Carolina over two days (it's more than 500 miles) and arrived in the small beach town of Rodanthe, halfway between Nags Head and Cape Hatteras. Having spent much of the year since March in desert and mountains, it was nice to see the Atlantic Ocean again. While staying in Rodanthe, we drove down to Hatteras to see the lighthouse, and walk on the beach among the MANY four-wheel drive vehicles parked on the sand for beach fishing.

We then moved up the coast to Nags Head where we spent three days with Ginny. Beside talking, eating, and doing laundry, we did some more walking on the beach, first in Nags Head...

... and then down to Cape Hatteras again where we hiked to the very tip of Hatteras Point and the Diamond Shoals (where the waves meet from the east and the south). Sometimes these can be very high and chaotic, but it was calm day during our visit.

We left the Outer Banks and drove northwest to Luray, Virginia. Our drive led us through Shenandoah National Park (which we like to think of as our "home" national park). The fall colors were past peak on the Skyline Drive, but could still be seen on the slopes of the mountains.

We spent a rainy day in Luray getting organized for unloading the RV, and then headed home to Annandale, VA on Friday, October 30.

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Oct 30, 2020

Welcome home! Have so enjoyed following your posts as your adventures continued. The titles were compelling, the descriptions both educational AND fun, and the photos magnificent!

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