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The Party's Over...


Updated: Jan 2, 2021

We arrived back at our "sticks and bricks" home in Virginia on October 30. It was good to be back among friends and family, but somewhat bittersweet as we've really enjoyed our travels for the past 18 months in our "roving" home (the Ciaowagen).

We will be at home in Virginia for at least 6 months, so one of the things we needed to do was to empty the RV of clothes, food, perishables, etc. and give it a thorough cleaning. That turned out to be a multi-day task.

We did make it back in time for the Halloween celebration on our cul-de-sac where we have an all-time high of 22 kids. There were games, a scavenger hunt, socially-distant catching up with old neighbors and new ones we hadn't met before, and COVID-safe trick-or-treating at the end of the driveway.

Finally, we took the Ciaowagen to the storage yard, about 30 minutes drive south. It'll be winterized by the RV shop there, and we'll also have some repairs and improvements made.

We will probably post a few wrap-up blog posts during November, and then we'll go silent until the spring when - COVID permitting - we will get on the road again and make the visit to Alaska we were not able to make in 2020. Our current plan takes a more northerly route, so we'll have to wait till late spring before we start out. The return portion of our trip will take us back to the southwest in time for the Albuquerque Balloon Festival, which we'd had reservations for in 2020 - those reservations were pushed forward into 2021. Our route will look something like this (with the Alaska portion still to be planned out):

Thanks to all our readers for following along on our journey! As always, your "must see" recommendations are always welcome!


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